Japan's Tourist Capital
Justin Aukema
In recent decades Japanese tourism has been booming. The number of tourists to Japan has steadily increased, reaching astounding numbers. The Covid era saw a slump in tourism, but this has basically rebounded now to pre-Covid days. Meanwhile, average Japanese have taken this stoically. Some mass media has pointed out how there is a love-hate relationship with tourism among average people in Japan. Hate for the massive overcrowding and overconcentration of tourist destinations, often to the point that they impede residents' regular day-to-day business. And love for the tourist dollars. Or, the supposed tourist dollars anyway. Because, after all, does tourism really help the economy? The common assumption in Japan anyway is obviously yes. But this is a highly superficial understanding. In this essay I argue A. tourism is a terrible organizing principle for an economy and society and B. tourism doesn’t help the “economy” as much as people think.
Now, it should be mentioned that there are legitimate reasons for why many Japanese have positive views of tourism. The main reason is the decay and aging of Japanese rural society. With crumbling infrastructure and rapidly dwindling population, many Japanese rural areas have naturally turned to what seems like the only remaining avenue available to them: attracting foreign tourist dollars. On top of this there is nothing inherently wrong with tourism as an activity in my view. Everyone is a tourist at some point. Tourism can be downright fun. But what I’m arguing is that it’s not wise to make tourism your top attraction and revenue source. Let’s examine why.
Tourism indices
First, here’s a list of the top ten countries with the highest percentage of GDP coming from tourism. I’ve also added overall GDP size, GDP per capita, GNI per capita, and Gini coefficient for each country. For reference, data from the US and Japan are at the bottom.Based on this data alone then, which by the way is all publicly available and easily apparent even to a layperson like myself, we can already partly confirm parts of my overall argument. Namely, tourism is not a great way to strengthen an economy (GDP); it doesn’t lead to overall riches (GNI); and it may even exacerbate inequality (Gini). Next, let’s turn to some other reasons why tourism is not a good organizing principle for society. This relates partly to the nature of “economy.”
What is economy?
“Economy” comes from the Greek “oikonomia” meaning roughly “household management.” The key point is that we can think of the economic “unit” be it a nation or a region etc roughly as a single household with its distinct production and consumption needs. Incidentally, similar concepts exist in other cultures. In Japanese, the origin of keizai (economy) is kei se sai min 経世済民 meaning roughly “rule the realm and assist the people.” This is a bit more of a top-down notion of a “household” but nevertheless there is still the contained unit of “realm” with the ruler, like the head of a household, managing issues of production and consumption.Tourist capital
But what happens within modern capitalist nations based on wage labor, production for profit, and a global system of nation-states? I will highlight simply two main things. First, there is a breakdown between production for actual need and production simply for profit and capital accumulation. In other words, production occurs for profit and not based on real need per se. Second, wage labor causes a breakdown in the metabolic composition, or the cohesive bonds, that once held society (man-man) together. This is the basic reason for the loss of traditional communal bonds, and so-called social anomie or alienation in society.Furthermore, we must not simply see capitalist tourism as a movement from local producers to foreign consumers. This is because while capitalism allows free flows of capital, it does not allow free flows of labor. Instead, capital is used to purchase labor where it is cheapest, and then this labor is geographically bound through the nation-state and its laws. Put simply and in the context of tourism, this means, for instance, that most hotel chains and tourist operators, i.e. the capitalist owners of the means of production, are themselves foreign capital which exploits domestic labor and resources. In this sense, there is no equal exchange of goods since there is no basis for it in the first place. Instead, it is a one-way flow of labor and goods out of the host nation and toward international capital. Thus tourism, from this perspective too, is often a boon and not a boost to the strength of a domestic economy.